Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A Parents Struggle

I've always done my best
to be kind, loving and there for you
to be a friend to lean on, confide in and give advice.

I try to put myself in your shoes
and when we have a fight I try not to say
things I'll regret and scar you for life.
If I'm wrong, I will always be truthful and admit I've made a mistake.
No matter how hard I try to be patient, thoughtful and encourage conversations with you
one day is all it takes for both of us to erase all the progress we have made & go to our old ways.

Constant disrespect and blame for all that doesn't go your way.
When you unload what you've held for so long inside,
without a sense of regret or a need to apologize.
Holding you accountable for your behavior is what I must do
but taking your TV doesn't quite matter to you.

I love you with all your stellar qualities and faults
your old enough to recognize the disrespect you have for me.

Parents love, provide and protect!
But at times we must step back
to teach our children to be successful in life, it's all about respect.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Pursuit of Happiness

Last night my son Zachary and I went to see "The Pursuit of Happiness" staring the hunky and talented Will Smith. I highly recommend this movie but not because it got great reviews or the excellent acting by Will and his son. This movie teaches one of the most basic lessons in life, "believe in yourself and if you put your mind to it you can do anything". Why is it that something we all have been told numerous times, such as the above lesson, we continue to punish ourselves with thoughts that we are not good enough and self doubt.

For those who were not aware, this movie is based on a true story. The real person this movie was about was a guest on Oprah not that long ago. I think he is the most humble multi-millionaire I have ever seen on TV. The unique aspect was that it wasn't what this man said, it was his eyes. His eyes told his story. You could see warmth, compassion, sadness, hardship, kindness, determination and most of all love. Some say that our eyes are the gate way to our soul...

In the movie; Will and his son go through one hardship after another. In the end, there is only one person you can count on in this world, you. If we believe in ourselves, no matter how trying the journey is, we will succeed.

Friday, January 26, 2007


Go where the wind blows
Let your hair down & free
Spin to the left & right
Cherish what you see

Soak up the whispers in the trees
Hum along with the birds cheerful song
Immerse yourself in the smell & feel of freshly cut grass
As the Sun begins to fade
Dreams inspired by the multicolored sky
As dampness lays across our earth
Reach out in the dark night
Wish upon that lonely star

Thoughts of insignificance in the universe
Rely on your soul
Your soul holds the answers; feel it, act upon it
It is familiar & interconnected with our universe
Breath deep, let go, only then you will know.

Written Jan 26/07 by Me

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

Its 2007 already! Time goes way to fast. I can remember going out New Years Eve in 1999. It was a pretty memorable night and actually it may have been the last time I went out on New Years Eve. The pathetic part is that I don't even give a $#!+. I figure I'll make up lost time when the kids are grown and I'm a hip, happening 40+ mama.

I've often heard that on New Years Eve you should be with the ones you love and every year I am, at home with my family and there is no place I would rather be.

Every year is what you make of it. I never make New Years resolutions anymore. If I want to change something in your life, seize the moment.

I wish you health and lots of love in 2007