Friday, March 30, 2007

Creating Easter eggs is not all it’s cracked up to be!

I know corny title but I can’t help myself. It took a few hours tonight to create my less than satisfying Easter eggs. I attempted to poke a hole in the top and bottom of the egg but my finger dexterity was no match for the tough outer exterior of the egg. My future Easter eggs became my hard boiled friends. Once that was completed, I submerged all three of my eggs into a variety (ok, two) of food coloring dyes. Hours later my eggs were finally ready for the design table. I enlisted the help of my son Zach. Step one, explaining our “mission impossible” to the egg and if they choose to accept it they would go down in history as the unbreakable Easter egg. The egg thought it over and agreed readily. Several minutes later all three eggs cracked slightly but still intact to complete the mission. With several tools of the trade: glue gun, markers, twists’, sprinkles and a picture the mission soon was completed. Next time I will leave Martha Stewart’s “how to guide” on making Easter eggs untouched on her Web page. Her web page creators should post a warning on the Easter egg sections. It may go something like this, “Warning, creating Easter eggs is one of the most difficult crafts to master. Only expert craft makers should attempt such a feat.


At 2:14 PM, Blogger Amy said...

I'm pretty sure Martha sells cleaned out eggs for decorating on her website, or at least I think she did at one time. She thinks of everything.


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